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Get to Know BIW

Aloha, looking for quality welder's you can depend on? Well, look no further, Big Island Welding is a full service certified and insured company available where you need us when you need us.


Our services:

 Commercial, Residential, Repairs & Mobile.

Heavy equipment repairs, fabrication, mobile line bore machining, arc gouging and hard-facing. We work with stick and wire on steel, aluminum and stainless. Mahalo!

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"Hawaiianizing" & Repairing Heavy Equipment

This is our specialty. Repairing and reinforcing broken, cracked and worn equipment such as buckets, blades, booms, ripper shanks, crusher systems, rock trucks and other industrial machinery. A process where we repair protect and prepare your equipment to battle kona's extremely hard ground, which can destroy your equipment and cost you more money in repairs and maintenance in the long run. So, let us Hawaiianize your equipment and save you time and money.


Mobile Welding Services

Big Island Welding offers fully equipped mobile welding service. By being mobile we can offer our customers convenience and cost effectiveness.


Machine Line Boring

Big Island Welding is now offering portable machine line boring for holes ranging from 1 inch. up to 8 inch's. The process starts with building up worn and warped holes with weld and then machine the hole perfectly to the factory specifications down to the thousands of an inch for a tight fit machine. Plus we offer bushing installation.



We are here for all your fabrication needs!

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We Want to Hear From You

PO Box 456 Captain Cook Hi 97604


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